Monday, October 20, 2008

Little Bit of a New Look

I changed the margins tonight hoping to be able to fit more photos in. I realize the photos in my posts aren't lined up the way they least on my widescreen laptop, but on Bob's computer it still looks okay. I'm going to leave those as they are and will be making sure they are right from here on out.

And please, please, please, vote for my blog at Blogger's Choice Awards! There's a link for it on the right margin, or you can go to this website to cast a vote. It's nominated in three categories.


Celeste - Japan said...

Hi Katie,

I found your lovely blog serendipitously while browsing for bloggers who live in Japan, but I couldn't find any other way to contact you. I am the editor of a Japan travel guide and need an essay or two for my Japan for Kids chapter. You seem like a perfect candidate. It's a paying assignment. If you'd like more info, please contact me at Thanks...Celeste