Speaking of the Olympic Games, I've been trying to use it as a lesson for the girls. Not so much the sporting aspect of it, but the patriotic part. I think every child should have a sense of where they're from, and with that should come patriotism. Anytime we watched an American on the gold medal podium, the three of us stood up and put our hands on our hearts when our National Anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner," came on. I'm trying to teach and explain to them what makes our country so special. And not only what makes it special, but more importantly, I want to instill in them the respect they need to show to our fla

I showed them a map of the world along with the different colors and countries. Keanna was excited that we live in a green country because that's her favorite color! Anyway, I told them that each country has their own flag, and since we live in Japan we see the Japanese flag, but we see the American flag too because of Bob's job. Since we're from the United States the American flag is special to us, and because of that we treat it with respect. I didn't get into the fact that there are 50 stars that stand for our 50 states. The 13 stripes stand for the original 13 British colonies, and that in 1776 we gained our independence from England by the signing of the Declaration of Independence; they wanted to g
Their father is an officer in the United States Navy. As I said before, we see the American flag every day-at the entry to the bases, outside of people's homes here, and at our house as well. Of course we appreciate our country, rights and freedoms, but being a military family, we have a deeper appreciation and sense of sacrifice than others. This picture is from November 2007 when Bob's sub returned from their deployment. You can see the American flag waving, and the red, white and blue lei that adorns the sub for homecoming. The wives and families were on a small boat and we rode along side the sub as it came up the channel into Pearl Harbor. Bob's on the far left looking through the binoculars.
This website provides guidelines for displaying the American Flag.
There's something about the American Flag... When I have gone to Canada for work, I get so excited and goosebumps when I see old Glory flying! :)
They play the National Anthem here at the movie theater on base before they play the movie. They use to do that years ago back in the day but it was something that done away with as our theaters moved from single screens to the numerous screened theater complexes that we have today. It's been a new experience for our kids.
Closing ceremonies are on tonight, not tomorrow night.
And I'm not military, but that doesn't mean I don't understand sacrifice and have a great appreciation and respect for the flag, or that I don't have a sense of sacrifice.
(Hit send in the middle of my thought last time so I deleted that comment.)
What a great thing to teach the girls. We have all adjusted well to Hawaii and my kids say they don't want to leave now or anytime in the future. Isn't it great how we move so much and the kids just call wherever we are at home. Hope you guys are all great and love the pictures..
Patriotism is something most Americans hold dear. I think if you've ever had to wipe your child's tear when they cried for their deployed daddy or if you've ever worried about your loved one being in harms way you do have a more profound understanding of the sacrifices that military families make. I'm glad your girls are enjoying learning about the flag!
I've worried about loved ones being in harm's way many many times even though I've never been part of a military family. I don't claim to know what it's like to wipe tears off childrens' faces in any event because I will never be a parent.
I have the utmost respect for military servicemembers and their families, but I'm not less aware or less patriotic or respectful because I don't stand in those shoes.
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