Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blueberry Scented Toilet Paper and Lots More Shopping Finds

Christmas cotton candy, blueberry scented toilet paper (I hear it makes your bathroom smell great!), Men's Lipstick, hard boiled egg molds, rubber wood and not the game Sorry, but Don't Be Angry instead. The pictures are clickable, so click on them to read the packaging...that's the fun part! Most of these pictures are from Diaso (100 yen store) and 7-11. Have I mentioned how much I love shopping here?


Andrew-Josiah said...

These rock! I want scented toilet paper! We just got your card in the mail today! Thank you! Would it be weird if I sent one out tomorrow? Haha..I was going to anyway for everyone else, and I realized Ive never sent you a family pic...

Jamie said...

Ha-ha! Hubby went to Diaso the other day, but I haven't been yet. SO need to. These are too fun. My dad likes blueberries, maybe he needs a Father's Day gift. Hmmmmm?

Kelipso said...

Oh Katie, please tell me you used to watch Friends!! You'd remember the episode where Joey jumped on the celebrity bandwagon of doing commercials in other countries. He ended up advertising for a men's BLUE lipstick in a commercial that aired in Japan!! LOL :)

Oh yes, I also received your Christmas card a couple days ago - thank you thank you!! My husband was impressed that I had a friend in Japan LOL! Silly man, I've told him about you guys living over there before.

Katie said...

I do Kelsey, but that episode doesn't ring a bell! Reruns are on AFN here and StarWorld (Asia's version to TBS) so I'll be sure to keep an eye out. Haha, Curtis. Remind him of the kimono/yukata thing and maybe that'll spark his memory :)